Deliberation and sortition in a permanent institution: The French High Council of Military Function (1968 –2016)

Special report–Sortition in the twenty-first century
By Dimitri Courant

The ban of unions in the French army led to the creation, in 1969, of a unique representative institution to defend soldiers’ working conditions. Fifty years later, the French High Council of Military Function has become a key actor, crafting propositions and entering into direct discussions with the Minister of Defense. This rare case of an institutionalization of deliberative sortition over a long period of time allows us to think about the future of sortition in politics. This institution reveals the possibility of upholding a diverse, unitarian, and inclusive representation, along with accountability procedures and an efficient cooperative deliberation.


  • deliberation
  • democracy
  • institution
  • legitimacy
  • representation
  • sortition
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